Episode #137: Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow
Lns 1-5: We would really prefer to open up with Ray walking on set and announcing that he’s home rather than a fade in on him waking up in a puddle of his own vomit.
Ln 9: Error: It’s more in Debra’s character to pour Ray a glass of lemonade rather than a glass of DRAINO.
Lns 17-20 : The sex scene between Ray’s parents is a bit gratuitous. You can omit it.
Ln 18: Having Ray’s brother, Robert, watch the sex while eating pudding and making farm animal noises is not a believable B-story.

Ln 35: We only have enough in the budget to rent one cow. Maybe instead of a milking competition the family can put some oversized sunglasses on it. Now that’s funny, the CBS way.
Ln 39: We also don’t have the budget to pull Jonathon Taylor Thomas out of rehab for a guest appearance.
Ln 41: As mentioned before, we’re renting the cow, not buying it. Therefore, the slaughtering scene must be removed.
Lns 60-80: The dialogue does not really explain Ray’s motivation for burning down that gay bar.
Ln 94: Ray should address his father as “Dad” not “thundercunt.”
Ln 160: We absolutely love the idea of a ghost haunting the Barone household, but can we make it a black ghost?
Ln 175: Once again, sex scene between the parents = unnecessary.
Ln 190: Please change “horse cock” to “thank you.”

Ln 220: typo: “your’e” should be “you’re”
Ln 230: typo: “goddamn-it-i-hate-my-life-as-a-writer-for-this-show-please-kill-me-to-end-this-hell” should be “fruit”
Ln 249: We cannot replace the live studio audience with a burlap sack full of geese and large dogs.
Ln 252: The third sex scene between the parents and the writer of the episode should also be removed.
Ln 264: It might be a little early in the season for Ray to lose a finger.
Ln 288: Standards and Practices has a problem with Ray blaming the fact that he lost his job because of “conniving Jews.”
Lns 300-307: Please add a rap song scene with the black ghost.
Ln 315: It is fine if you want Ray to adopt two kids from an orphanage, but you can’t have him return them at the end of the episode.
Ln 333: No one can survive a monster truck impact at that speed.
Ln 345: Please change the ghost’s line from “oooooooh” to “I’mma gonna haunt yo ass.”
Ln 356: It is not in Ray’s character to beat his wife.
Ln 387: Remove wife beating scene
Ln 390: Remove wife beating scene
Ln 410: Remove wife beating scene.
Ln 411: Probably better to use a steel pipe rather than a chunk of dry wall.
Lns 412-449: Remove wife beating scene.
Ln 450: Please add closing joke: “I guess we better get some sunny weather tomorrow.”

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